Antonio Maderia Branco 2019, yet another impressive

8/31/2021, 12:45:46 PM
Antonio Maderia Branco 2019, yet another impressive Portuguese wine to add to my latest tasting experiences. It’s hard to put a finger on exactly what’s impressed me but it’s somewhere between the elemental / minerally characters, my complete lack of knowledge regarding the varieties, and the overall quality of the wine. Those I’ve tried are just very complete wines. ⁠ Here we have another mineral driven, 20+ variety, complex white that somehow comes together intriguingly. Sea-spray, green apple, pear, ginger and pepper on the nose, equal parts fruit to savoury, if not a touch more savoury as it opens. The palate’s well balanced with good acidity, mostly green / golden apple, pear and mellow melon intertwined with a line of salinity, crushed oyster shell, and just a whisper of creaminess. Such an interesting wine 👌🏽🍷🙏🏼

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