⭐️87/100⭐️ Ampelos Cellars Syrache “Sigma: The Sum”, 2013
7/28/2021, 7:40:03 PM ⭐️87/100⭐️ Ampelos Cellars Syrache “Sigma: The Sum”, 2013 📍Santa Rita Hills, Santa Barbara, California, USA🇺🇸 🍇69% Syrah / 31% Grenache ⚡️14,2% Tasted: July 2020 The project began in 1999 when Danish Peter and Rebecca Work purchased 82 acres of land in what would later become the Sta. Rita Hills appellation, and named it “Ampelos” - the Greek word for vine. But it was first after a cancelled meeting at the World Trade Center on the morning of September 9/11, that the couple was brought to the realization that it was time to pursue their dreams of growing grapes as a full-time lifestyle. They quit their jobs and moved permanently to their fledgling vineyards in the southern Sta. Rita Hills AVA. The vineyards are all cultivated with respect for nature and the environment and were some of the first US vineyards to be certified “Sustainability in Practice”, Organic and Biodynamic.
As well in the cellar, only use of sustainable (biodynamic and organic) and natural winemaking methods are used - and no artificial additives. .
The use of oak is meant to be a balanced part of the flavor profile rather than a scene-stealer. The wine ages for 21 months in barrique (French and American - 35% new).
The wine is unfined and unfiltered. The wine has got a lovely, deep yet fresh, dusty and herbal bouquet. Blackcurrant, blackberry, tobacco, dark choko, sweet liquorice, basil, rosemary and some well integrated wood. The palete is formed by a rich body, low acidity and powdery tannins - it’s a superb structure! Dark berry compote, dark choko, espresso, vanilla - yum! Spottet at @ottosuensonvinhandel #wine #winelover #ampelos #syrah #grenache #santaritahills #santabarbarawine #california #usa #californiawine #luxury #shiraz #sommelier #organicwine #biodynamicwine #finewine #wineporn #instawine #redwine #topwine #rarewine #vin #vinrouge #vino #santaritahills s #ビオワイン #ワイン #自然派ワイン #와인