In the hills of Guigila, south of Modena, in the

5/24/2021, 8:13:58 PM
In the hills of Guigila, south of Modena, in the Emilia-Romagna region, Romano Mattioli carries on his father’s organic and low intervention winemaking traditions. White vinification after cold maceration on the lees”, spontaneous fermentation with native yeasts, bottled before the end of fermentation [metodo ancestrale or pét-nat], with the wine finished in the bottled on the lees [col fondo] for at least 15 months. Unfined, unfiltered, minimal sulphur. Foggy light gold in colour, with aromas of lemon, lime, toasted barley and wildflowers. Lemon, trace of marzipan, slate minerality and bright acidity are framed by light consistent fizz. Pink grapefruit and a nutty streak gloss the fizzy finish. Agile, airy, refreshing and wonderfully gluggable. Blend of Grechetto Gentile [Pignoleto] and Trebbiano Romagnolo 12% Alcohol Terra Quilia ‘Il Bianco di Guilia’ Bianco dell’ Emilia IGP 2018 #vinobiologico #vinvivant #metodoancestrale #colfondo #vinbiologique #petnat #vinnaturel #organicwine #lowintervention #drinkbetterwine #vinoitaliano #petillantnaturel #emiliaromagnawine #glouglou #naturalwine #winereview #winelabel #instavino #winestagram #instawine #ilbiancodiguilia #terraquilia #scuolodivino #caravino

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