Juxtaposed by Dodgy Brothers ‘Bigger Boat’ Fiano 2018
5/10/2021, 11:51:30 AM Juxtaposed by Dodgy Brothers ‘Bigger Boat’ Fiano 2018 McLaren Vale Rating: B+ Price: $26 Recommendation: Buy Another label from a classic movie and named after one of the best lines ever with “You're gonna need a bigger boat" Roy Scheider, Jaws 1975 🍷 Well, I’ll respond with “I’m going to need a bigger cellar” Loads of summer fruits at the start which moves to a nutty taste. A mouth sucking end that makes you want more. This does bite more than some other lighter styles but oh so good (did you see what I did with the ‘bite’? I’m hilarious 🦈) and on that note why do sharks and dolphins have the same bloody fin. As a surfer this really annoys me. Why couldn’t one have a purple fin? Or a Ben Lexen wing keel. Anyway thought of the day💭 ...simple... Have you had Fiano? Well Fiano (fi-ah-no) is a southern Italian grape that in my opinion is easy to drink that sits above Sav Blanc but below an Chardonnay. Works well with load of food but a rich creamy pasta or some salty deep fried fish and chips. . #biggerboat #needabiggerboat #jaws #jawsmovie #juxtaposed #mclarenvale #mclarenvalewine #wineart #wineartist #shark #sharks #fishing #fishinglife #fishingislife #royscheider #movies #movielines #classicmovies #boating #boattrip #catchingfish #winelabel #winelabeldesign #jawdropping #fiano #southaustralia #mothersday #happymothersday #willunga