Golden Autumn day complimented with the magical inky

4/30/2021, 12:45:02 PM
Golden Autumn day complimented with the magical inky Spinifex Syrah 2018. Second bottle in week and this is rapidly becoming a firm favourite! Wouldn't mind laying a few down to see how they evolve but I think the temptation would get the better of me! ⁣ #shiraz #syrah #barossa #redwine #vino #instawine #finewine #instagramwine #winelover #wineoclock #winenot #winetime #wine #wines #sommelier #winereview #winelife #winewinewine #winewriter #wineaddict #wineoftheday #vin #wino #wineblog #winetasting #winelovers #winegeek #winepassion #wineenthusiast

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